Orthopedics & Post-Surgical Rehab

Orthopedics and post-surgical rehab is when a physical therapist diagnoses, manages, and treats disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, including rehabilitation after orthopedic surgery. Our therapists will develop a personalized rehabilitation plan to help your injury heal properly, improve your strength, range of motion, and overall functional mobility. 

Orthopedic therapy at LOPT provides you with education regarding the injury and precautions that need to be taken. The rehab process includes evidence-based exercises and protocols. Between learning about your injury and participating in therapy, you’ll gain back range of motion and return to full function. We’ll progress strength in specific functional patterns so you can participate in your favorite activities safely.

Our goal is to guide you through post-operation to become fully functional. Regardless of your injury or surgery, we’re here from the day you wonder how you’ll ever walk again to celebrating the half marathon you completed after recovery.

Orthopedic Rehabilitation Examples
Total Joint Replacements

Joint replacement surgeries are becoming more and more common to address chronic joint pain and arthritis.  Entrust your rehabilitation to the therapists at LOPT.  Whether you're undergoing knee, shoulder, hip or ankle replacement, the therapists at LOPT have the experience and knowledge to get you back to the activity you enjoy.  We'll guide you through the process of recovery, answer questions, communicate with your physician, and work towards the goal of full recovery.  

Rotator Cuff Rehab

LOPT offers shoulder rehab for all surgical procedures.  We work closely with your physician to know how to progress your specific surgery.  Each surgery is different with specific precautions and protocols.  From the most common surgeries to the newest procedures, we have the knowledge and experience to progress at each stage of rehab.  

Having shoulder pain due to an injury?  We will help restore range of motion, strength and function so you can avoid surgery and return to work or activity.

Knee Injuries

Have a sprain or strain from work or sport?  Recovering from ACL, meniscus, MACI, arthroscopy, or another procedure?  Let our experienced physical therapists advance your rehab with the latest, research based approaches.  We have experienced therapists that know the art of rehab as well using new techniques such as blood flow restriction and proven exercises to advance strength and function.  We'll get you back in the game of life!

Foot and Ankle

Foot and ankle injuries can range from most common diagnoses such as plantar fasciitis and ankle sprains, to more complex fractures and sports injuries.  We have the knowledge of how to progress you back to full recovery.  Rehab starts the day after injury with an ankle sprain.  With the help of a physical therapist, you will get back to normal more quickly with higher function.  Have a more chronic issue such as plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendonitis?  We use advanced techies such as extracorporeal shockwave therapy, instrument guided soft tissue mobilization, balance and strengthen training.  We will evaluate gait deficiencies and uncover why the pain began to prevent further pain in the future.