How We Treat

At LOPT, we treat the whole person, not just symptoms and diagnosis. We address the musculoskeletal function’s inner relationship throughout the body for a more comprehensive treatment program. Using a dynamic, holistic approach, we consider all factors contributing to your presentation at a given time. We are movement experts with the compassion, skills, and expertise, providing a thorough and individualized evaluation to determine the interventions needed to meet your goals. 

To give you the best rehabilitative results, we assess your needs and the unique aspects of your condition, then develop a customized program fit for you. Using a variety of treatment methods, and emphasizing patient instruction and home management, helps prevent recurrence of the problem and avoiding associated disorders. We’ll be with you, side-by-side, providing hands-on care and encouragement every step of the way.

When you walk in on your first day and ask, "How will I get back to doing what I love?", these are just a few of the ways we help people return to doing the activities they enjoy. 

Exercise is one of the most critical aspects of any therapy program. Using evidence-based exercise movements, you’ll be able to regain function quicker and relieve pain sooner. At LOPT, we only use science-based exercises that are most effective for the
Relationships make the difference at LOPT; every treatment plan starts by focusing on a collaborative relationship between therapists and patients. By forming a synergetic relationship, we can better understand your issues and goals and develop an effective treatment plan to
We offer Telehealth appointments for those unable to come into our clinics. During these 45-minute sessions, we evaluate, treat, and instruct with a home program. Give any of our clinics a call to schedule an appointment. To make the most
Orthotics are shoe inserts used to correct abnormal foot posture or irregular walking patterns. Using orthotics make standing, walking, and running more comfortable and efficient by slightly altering the angles at which the foot strikes a walking or running surface
Splinting is used to treat soft tissue and bony injuries of the upper extremity and hand by providing support and protection. They can be used for temporary immobilization of sprains, fractures, joint injuries, and an array of other pathologies. Our
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) uses shockwaves to carry high energy to painful areas and myoskeletal tissues with subacute, subchronic, and chronic conditions. This method is used to promote regeneration and reparative processes of the bones, tendons, and other soft tissues
Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (ASTYM treatment) is designed to regenerate healthy soft tissues (muscles, tendons, etc.), and eliminate or reduce unwanted scar tissue that may be causing pain or movement restrictions. Some chronic soft tissue problems may be due to
Dry needling is specifically used to relieve and alleviate pain and increase range of motion. As the name implies, a “dry” needle (without medication or injection) is injected through the skin into the muscle. Using a thin filiform needle allows
Manual therapy uses specific, evidence-based techniques to evaluate and treat soft tissue imbalances and joint injuries. It consists of research-backed programs and methods for one-on-one, hands-on interaction between therapist and patient. This type of treatment uses the osteopathic philosophy that
Goal-setting is a fundamental element in your rehabilitation program. Everyone’s goals are different. Some individuals want to get back to playing the sport they love, return to work, or walk pain-free. At LOPT, before we begin any treatment programs, we
LOPT’s level of expertise is what sets us apart. Spending time educating our patients while we are treating them is an integral part of what we do. Properly educating our patients on what caused the problem in the beginning and
Alter G treadmills enable individuals to walk or run at a lower percentage of their body weight and perform rehabilitation with less pain. Patients can gain mobility, strength, natural movement and fitness, while also minimizing stress on the body or